Abstracts for Game Programming Gems 8 are now being accepted at
http://gameprogramminggems.com/subform.html. The eighth of this popular series, as with previous versions, aims to gather and share the latest gems from the game development community. Game Programming Gems 8 will include sections on General Programming, Mathematics, Graphics, Artificial Intelligence, Physics, Networking/Multiplayer, Audio, and a special segment on General Purpose Programming on GPUs for Game Developers. Join us in advancing the state of art in Game Development!
Experienced game programmers are encouraged to submit proposals by July 10, 2009. Final articles will be due on October 1, 2009. Series editor Mark DeLoura, book editor Adam Lake, and section editors will help select and prepare articles for publication. The book will be available in time for the Game Developers' Conference in 2010, with authors receiving a royalty based on the book's sales. Submission guidelines are available on the Web site:
http://gameprogramminggems.com/guidelines.html. Please feel free to forward this announcement to other potential authors.